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Aging and Community Services
Spaci The New Jersey Division of Aging and Community Services (DACS) administers programs for senior citizens and their caregivers. DACS services are designed to ... - 15k -

Spaci File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
SENIOR. CITIZENS. Provided by:. Indiana State Senate. Democrat Caucus ... ter, as well as other community services and. outreach programs. ... -

Senior Citizens United Community Services
Spaci Senior Citizens United Community Services of Camden County, Inc. is a non-profit agency that provides services that enhance the quality of life for senior ... - 6k - support network for senior citizen
Spaci Formal services for senior citizens includes community-based services and residential care. The provision of programmes for senior citizens is particularly ... - 26k -

Wayne County, Michigan - Community Services
Spaci The National Caucus and Center on Black Aged [NCBA]: Provides work sites [generally for community service functions] for qualified senior citizens. ... - 11k -

Kaumudi USA - Senior Citizens
Spaci Mission of the National Indo-American Association for Senior Citizens (NIAASC) is ... Not for profit organizations' sponsorship providing community services ... - 35k -

Community Service Programs - Senior Citizens
Spaci Undergraduates visit senior citizens to talk, make crafts, and play games. ... As a Wilson Day community service project, University volunteers participated ... - 14k -

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